iOS SDK Change Log

Unless noted otherwise, all SDK releases are drop-in releases that do not require code change for partners upgrading from the previous version.

VersionRelease DateNotes


Jun 21, 2024

  • Resolved a potential exception when a user cancels an ad during rendering


Apr 26, 2024

This release includes a MAJOR API update with several breaking changes. See Migrate to Version 6.4 for more details.

  • Updated public API with separate callback interfaces for LoadAd() and showAd(); Swift integrations can opt-in to new asynchronous APIs

  • Removed the requirement to supply a userId to the initialization API

  • Added capability to set ageRestrictedUser after the SDK has been initialized

  • Added a new callback for Ad Impression events to the placementDelegate

  • Removed adWillLeaveApplication callback from the HyprMXBannerView delegate

  • Improved experience with failed initialization requests by allowing initialization requests to be queued and scheduled without a dedicated cooldown time after a failed attempt

  • Resolved race condition which could lead to a potential crash in SDK initialization

Mar 13, 2024


Nov 1, 2023

  • Resolved crash when creating Banner Ads on unsupported iOS versions

  • Improvements to tracking of engagement on Web-based ads

  • Added guard to prevent crash during SDK initialization

  • Updated minimum deployment target to 11.0


May 19, 2023

  • Added API that will allow applications to set users as age restricted at initialization

  • Added WebRTC support to Rich Media Ads

  • Removed Calendar Permission from SDK; made Camera & Photo Storage Permissions optional

  • Updated to minimum Xcode 14 & removed Bitcode

  • Added support for audio play in banner ads (limited availability)


Aug 4, 2022

  • Addressed an Apple Webkit bug to prevent a crash during ad display on iOS16 when calling the removeAllScriptMessageHandlers API


Nov 3, 2021

  • Performance enhancements to make ad experience more resilient to webview crashes


Aug 25, 2021

  • Added support for banner ad units that can be added directly to your UI with predefined or custom view sizes. Banner ad units support standard display, non-expandable rich media, and user acquisition units supporting SKAdNetwork attribution.

  • Added a new optional adDisplayError callback that returns a more detailed error object.

  • Updated to Open Measurement SDK v1.3.18.

  • Added improved user acquisition unit experience.

  • Added API for setting mediation info.

  • Performance enhancements and bug fixes.

  • Incremented minimum compilation from iOS 8 to iOS 9.

  • This version of the SDK requires Xcode 12.

  • Added new HyprMXPlacementDelegate ad display error callback with enriched error data.

adDisplayError(_ error: Error, 
             placement: HyprMXPlacement)
  • Deprecated legacy ad display error callback.

adDisplayError(for placement: HyprMXPlacement, 
           error hyprMXError: HyprMXError)

Last updated