HyprMX supports Banner/MREC and Audio Banner Ad Units. This guide shows how to display these Banner Ads in your application.
What are Banner/MREC Ads?
Banner or Medium Rectangle (MREC) Ad Units display a rectangular creative within an app. They occupy a portion of the app layout and stay on the screen as the users interact with the app. Refer to the Ad Size section for a list of supported ad sizes for Banner/MREC Ad Units.
What are Audio Banner Ads?
Audio Banner Ad Units display a rectangular creative with an accompanying audio component within an app. HyprMX provides an optional delegate to receive callbacks notifying your application of interruptions to the Audio Stream by an Audio Banner Ad and when the Ad audio is finished to clear the interruption. All sizes supported for Banner/MREC Ads are supported in Audio Banner Ads.
Refresh Requirements
An Audio Banner Ad must remain on screen for the duration of the audio playback. To ensure the banner placement is not refreshed until the audio is complete, please set the refresh interval in your mediator's dashboard to 30 seconds or greater.
How to Display Banner Ads
Integrate & Initialize HyprMX
Before you start, make sure you have correctly integrated and initialized the HyprMX SDK. To integrate and initialize HyprMX, see our Setup Guide.
HyprMX utilizes placements to load and display an ad. Placements are used to represent a point in your application's workflow where you'd like to show an ad and placement names are a string that identifies individual banner placements in your application.
If you don't have your placement information, please reach out to your account manager to configure your banner placements. In return, they will provide the names of the new placements.
Ad Size
Banners are initialized using one of the pre-defined ad sizes.
To initialize a new BannerView:
let bannerView:HyprMXBannerView = HyprMXBannerView(placementName: "Banner", adSize: kHyprMXAdSizeBanner)
HyprMXBannerViews are not retained in memory by the HyprMX SDK. You can retain the view by adding it to the view stack by calling self.view.addSubview(), or you can store the Banner in a local variable in your controller until you're ready to add it to the view.
class ViewController: UIViewController, HyprMXBannerDelegate, HyprMXInitializationDelegate
var bannerView:HyprMXBannerView?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.bannerView = HyprMXBannerView(placementName: "Banner", adSize: kHyprMXAdSizeBanner)
Add your BannerView to your View and configure its frame to match your requested ad size. You can configure the frame directly or use Constraints like any other UIView.
If successful, your bannerView will load an ad and render it in its view. To receive lifecycle callbacks, implement the HyprMXBannerDelegate protocol and set a placementDelegate on your bannerView.
Setting a HyprMXBannerDelegate (Optional)
To receive lifecycle callbacks on your HyprMXBannerView, implement the HyprMXBannerDelegate protocol. All methods are optional and you can implement the methods you would like to receive callbacks for.
bannerView.placementDelegate = self
bannerView.placementDelegate = self
HyprMX holds a weak reference to the placement delegate, so you must be sure to retain the delegate.
See below for available methods.
/** Called when the user clicks on the bannerView */
func adWasClicked(_ bannerView: HyprMXBannerView) {
/** Called when a banner click will open a full-screen modal */
func adDidOpen(_ bannerView: HyprMXBannerView) {
/** Called when a full-screen modal has been closed */
func adDidClose(_ bannerView: HyprMXBannerView) {
/** Called when a banner click will open another application */
func adWillLeaveApplication(_ bannerView: HyprMXBannerView) {
/** Called when the banner is visible on screen */
func adImpression(_ bannerView: HyprMXBannerView) {
/** Called in response to loadAd when an ad was loaded */
-(void)adDidLoad:(HyprMXBannerView *)bannerView {
/** Called in response to loadAd when there was an error loading an ad */
-(void)adFailedToLoad:(HyprMXBannerView *)bannerView error:(NSError *)error {
/** Called when the user clicks on the bannerView */
-(void)adWasClicked:(HyprMXBannerView *)bannerView {
/** Called when a banner click will open a full-screen modal */
-(void)adDidOpen:(HyprMXBannerView *)bannerView {
/** Called when a full-screen modal has been closed */
-(void)adDidClose:(HyprMXBannerView *)bannerView {
/** Called when a banner click will open another application */
-(void)adWillLeaveApplication:(HyprMXBannerView *)bannerView {
/** Called when the banner is visible on screen */
-(void)adImpression:(HyprMXBannerView *)bannerView {
Audio Banner Ad Event Callbacks (Optional)
Setting an Audio Delegate on HyprMX
To receive audio event callbacks, implement the HyprMXAudioChangeDelegate Protocol and set your delegate object to HyprMX.audioChangeDelegate. HyprMX retains weak references to delegates to be sure to retain the delegates.
class YourHyprMXAudioChangeDelegate: <superclass>, HyprMXAudioChangeDelegate {
func adAudioWillStart() {}
func adAudioDidEnd() {}
let hyprAudioChangeDelegate = YourHyprMXAudioChangeDelegate()
HyprMX.audioChangeDelegate = hyprAudioChangeDelegate
When an Audio Banner Ad begins playing, you will receive a adAudioWillStart callback from your audioChangeDelegate. You should use this callback to pause your Application's current audio players.
var myAudioPlayer: AVAudioPlayer
func adAudioWillStart() {
When an Audio Banner Ad has completed playback, you will receive a adAudioDidEnd callback from your audioChangeDelegate. You should use this callback to resume the AudioSession within your app and resume your application's audio players.
var myAudioPlayer: AVAudioPlayer
func adAudioDidEnd() {
try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
You can reload another banner at any time by calling loadAd() on the bannerView. You can also update your adSize before loading a new ad by updating the bannerView.adSize property.
A common use case for this is updating to a new size and reloading in response to a device rotation.
To update Ad Size and Reload Ad on completion of size change:
override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)
coordinator.animate { context in
} completion: { context in
// Update your banner's adSize to the new desired size
self.bannerView.adSize = kHyprMXAdSizeLeaderBoard
// Load a new banner ad
- (void)viewWillTransitionToSize:(CGSize)size withTransitionCoordinator:(id <UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator>)coordinator {
[super viewWillTransitionToSize:size withTransitionCoordinator:coordinator];
[coordinator animateAlongsideTransition:^(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext> context) {
} completion:^(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext> context) {
// Update your banner's adSize to the new desired size
self.bannerView.adSize = kHyprMXAdSizeLeaderBoard;
// Load a new banner ad
[self.bannerView loadAd]